Sharon Koenning was first introduced to energy medicine in 2008 and was very impressed by the results. After receiving just one session, Sharon was relieved from a lot of pain that had been with her for 15 years. Her results were quick. Therapies like HelioSol brought back the communication to Sharon's body. Healing can really be that simple. Receiving a HelioSol Session can bring back the communication that was once lost within the body, allowing it to self-heal. Over the years, she had tried everything to relieve the pain, with no results. Still amazed after her results from her session, she was sending friends and family to some practitioners in Saskatoon. Realizing the awesome self-healing powers of these modalities, she decided to start taking the classes herself. 10 years and the journey is wonderful! Helping to relieve symptoms
for others through this natural method of healing.
She practices out of her home in Cudworth, Saskatchewan in person, Zoom and distantly with recorded results. She also works at Inside Out Therapies in Saskatoon. Sharon is very passionate when it comes to HelioSol and loves the results she has seen in her family and clientele. From babies to seniors, everyone can benefit from HelioSol. We all deserve to live happy and pain free!! You have nothing to lose but pain and stress!