Foundational Courses
If entering the program of study with the intent of becoming a HelioSol Practitioner (HSP), the courses listed in the Foundational Courses section below are best taken in the order recommended for the most effective learning outcomes. If only interested in taking courses for personal interest or personal development, courses may be taken in any order – except those that have pre-requisites indicated. However, if you later decide to become an HSP, all the required courses as indicated in the Foundational Courses section must have been taken.
If you have an energy therapy background and believe you could be exempt from some of the courses, please get in touch with Sylvia directly at with a list of courses already taken.
For more information on how to become licensed as a HelioSol Practitioner, click here.
Once you have found a course of interest, go to the Course Schedule here to find out when it is being offered and who the instructor is. Course fees, how to register and other details are found on the instructor's personal website. This is done from the Course Schedule page.
Description of Foundational Courses Leading to HelioSol Practitioner Status
Foundational HelioSol Technique
The HelioSol Technique (HT) is the only technique used in The HelioSol System. It can be used as a stand-alone, self-help, self-healing tool by individuals or as the activator/download technique when a HelioSol Practitioner conducts a HelioSol session.
Learning HT can empower people to work on their own health and well-being. It is possible, after daily practice of this simple, easy-to-learn technique, to generally feel better and to manifest a healthier and more fulfilling life. It is also possible to begin the transformational process of moving one’s personal consciousness towards remembering it is universal consciousness.
In this course you will learn:
How to perform the technique on yourself
How to perform the technique on others (including family members, friends, animals and even plants)
The hand positions, the breathing, the tapping, and the visualization that the technique consists of
Information on the relevance of all the components of the technique for better understanding and clearer observation
How to incorporate the Emergency Care Template when confronted by an emergency to help stabilize the situation
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
This course is open to anyone.
To read the bios of the instructors who teach this course, click on their names: Katharina Arnesen,
Foundational Philosophy
The HelioSol System does not belong to any particular school of philosophy. The foundation of the system consists of a blend of western and eastern thinking. It is important to understand this foundation in order to appreciate the design and functional approach that the system takes for supporting the inborn healing ability and potential for change that everyone possesses.
In this course you will learn:
The worldview that the system is based on
The relationship of “Atman/Soul/Spirit” to “Absolute/Universal Consciousness/Zero-Point field”
What linear thinking is
What role personal beliefs play in making judgements
Emotional attachments to beliefs being the cause of “problems”
Right/wrong and good/bad as illusions
Circle thinking as a solution
Vertical thinking as a tool in sessions
This is available as a series of recorded video lectures (approximately 3.6 hours total) with a downloadable manual.
This course is open to anyone.
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches this course, click on Sylvia Muiznieks.
To purchase this recorded course, click here.
Foundational Concerns and Concepts
Concerns are what a client complains about at the beginning of the session or what their innate intelligence indicates needs to be addressed. Concepts are the client’s attachments to beliefs that act as the triggers for creating imbalances in the bodymind or in life in general.
The following topics, that appear under Concerns and Concepts on the Master Chart, will be covered:
Body, Symptoms, Chakras, Meridians, Meridian Clock, Microcosmic Orbit, Qi, Yin/Yang, Emotions, Conscious, Subconscious, Subsubconscious, Multilevel, Current Lifetime, Control, Experiences, Fear, Guilt, Love, Symbolic
This is available as a series of recorded video lectures (approximately 9 hours total) with downloadable manual and charts.
Endast diagrammen finns också på svenska. (The charts only are also available in Swedish.)
This course is open to anyone.
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches this course, click on Sylvia Muiznieks.
To purchase this recorded course, click here.
Foundational Templates
Templates are frequencies that are generated from the observations of the practitioner that are transmitted to the client via biophotons. Then, through resonance, the client’s corresponding frequencies are shifted. This results in the client’s innate healing abilities taking over and making improvements in their illnesses, symptoms, or life circumstances.
In this course you will learn the following templates:
BHEMA, Support, Sleep, Light Frequency, Colour Frequency, Sound Frequency, Anti-Inflammation, Anti-Pain, Brain Stabilization, Post-Traumatic Stress, Neutralize, Vertical Time, Free Energy, Agape Love, Other
This is available as a series of recorded video lectures (approximately 6 hours total) with downloadable manual and charts.
Endast diagrammen finns också på svenska. (The charts only are also available in Swedish.)
This course is open to anyone.
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches this course, click on Sylvia Muiznieks.
To purchase this recorded course, click here.
Foundational AgapeMind
It is the beliefs held in the mind that act as filters for collapsing all possibilities for being into the life that is experienced. So, to change whatever has been manifested in life that you are not happy with – whether it’s your health, your relationships, your work, your financial situation, where you live, how much recreational time you have, or anything else – you need to learn how to consciously direct the process. The process consists of using “heart and mind over matter.”
In this course you will learn:
How the heart’s toroidal field influences the ability to access fields of information located in the zero-point field
The process to get into the alpha mind state
How to create the Retreat and its mental tools within the OmniSphere
How the mental tools work
How to use the Retreat in daily life and for personal growth and well-being
How to use the Retreat when working therapeutically with a client
Through the AgapeMind course, you will gain mental tools that could change your life almost immediately. The secret of success is in your mind powered by your heart!
There will be some required reading prior to the class. The material will be sent to you after registration for the class has closed.
There will be individual and group activities.
This course is open to anyone.
To read the bios of the instructors who teach this course, click on their names: Sacha Maxwell, Sylvia Muiznieks
Foundational Practical Application
Pre-requisites: Foundational HelioSol Technique, Foundational Philosophy, Foundational Concerns and Concepts, Foundational Templates, and Foundational AgapeMind
This course has been designed for the student who has no previous training in another energy healing modality. It introduces key skills that are required to begin working with clients.
In this course you will learn:
How to receive biofeedback from a client
How to access information from the client’s hologram
How to use the Healing Wheel and Master Chart
How to conduct a basic range of motion test
How to interpret the information on the Health Intake Form
The importance of receiving written consent as well as energetically
How to conduct sessions at a distance
The importance of working with clients from a place of integrity and compassion
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisites.
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches this course, click on Sylvia Muiznieks.
The Art of Practice
Establishing an ethical, successful practice takes more than simply learning the system. It takes some planning and goal setting. It takes knowing how to keep records and how to work within the local laws. It takes knowing how to attract and interact with clients. There is an art to creating a well-run practice!
In this course you will learn:
The benefits of creating a business plan (including vision and mission statements) and monitoring it over time
Basic principles for setting up a clinical practice: creating the clinical space, personal presentation, keeping records, basic accounting principles
How to attract clients, including how to market using traditional approaches and social media
What marketing strategies work (and don’t work) for energy therapy practitioners
The pros and cons of sole proprietorship, partnerships, incorporating
Business practices that work and those that do not (from the experience of established practitioners)
When to charge GST or HST, meeting all legal obligations
Importance of general liability and professional insurance
Local licensing requirements
Code of Ethics to guide professional behavior with clients
Importance of confidentiality, right to refuse, informed consent, communication –listening and paraphrasing,
Working from compassion, with integrity and empathy, not curing or rescuing
How to deal with transference and counter-transference, setting up professional boundaries
Personal ethics around “spontaneously” picking up information from people’s holograms
There will be individual and group activities.
The business and ethics principles covered in the Art of Practice can be applied to any service-based clinical practice.
This course is open to anyone.
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches this course, click on Sylvia Muiznieks.
Practical Integration
Pre-requisites: Foundational HelioSol Technique, Foundational Philosophy, Foundational Concerns and Concepts, Foundational Templates, and Practical Application
This is the final course that puts all the theory and practice together. The focus is on summarizing and clarifying the material covered in the core courses. There will be opportunity for students to ask questions and receive answers from the instructor.
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisites.
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches this course, click on Sylvia Muiznieks.