Isobel (Izzy) Howe
My first introduction to the HelioSol System was the Foundational HelioSol
Technique (with Application to Animals) course, and I immediately knew that I wanted to teach it! I just loved the content of the course, which helps restore our inner connection to all that is, and it also highlights the amazing consciousness of the animals we share our lives and planet with, both of which resonate deeply with me.
Since childhood, I’ve always had a love for animals and our environment, and I wanted to understand how everything worked. A Zoology degree and research Masters gave me scientific information but left me feeling that there was a much greater depth that hadn’t been touched on. When I came across BodyTalk in 2009, with its consciousness-based approach to healthcare and life in general, I realised that there was even more than I had ever imagined and I found a whole new perspective to discover about myself and the connectedness of all things.
Through BodyTalk and other courses, I also expanded my understanding of animals and their clarity compared with the beliefs that clutter our minds. Through this exploration, I also came to appreciate more fully the role that animals play in our lives and how their unconditional love gives us the mirror to see ourselves more clearly if only we know how to look. Understanding this can help us see the world completely differently.
As a practitioner, I started off working with people, but working with animals (and their humans!) is now an integral part of my professional practice.
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP) October 2011 and CBP for Animals, November 2017
Diploma in Animal Healing and Nutrition, September 2020
HelioSol Practitioner (HSP) October 2021 and HSP for Animals, November 2021
Foundational HelioSol Technique Instructor and Foundational HelioSol Technique (with Application to Animals) Instructor, March 2024