Cheryl Ramsay
Cheryl’s journey into alternative healing began with her own health issues. Cheryl had
suffered with chronic headaches for most of her life. The headaches were increasing in
frequency and duration to the point that she was having headaches twice a week with
them lasting two to three days at a time. She thought she had exhausted all options in the medical and alternative therapies until in August 2011 when she came across BodyTalk. In her first session she had a profound experience and knew that this healing modality was something that she wanted to explore further.
From 2011 to 2014 she attended numerous BodyTalk courses and in January 2014 became an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner. At that time, she opened her clinic called Eden Wholistic where she offered BodyTalk sessions. In her continuing pursuit of health, healing and manifestation, Cheryl has dived deeply into further research, education and experience regarding the connection between the mind (conscious and subconscious) and a person’s state of health and vitality. The HelioSol System opened her to the concept of heart-based focus and its connection to source energy. This different perspective intrigued her and resonated intuitively with her. She attended the first HelioSol Technique class in November of 2018 and was hooked! In February 2019 she completed the Introduction to the HelioSol System for Practitioners of Other Modalities and subsequently attended all Template courses offered. Cheryl became one of the first HelioSol Technique instructors and offered the course from 2019 to 2023 along with instructing the More & Additional HelioSol Technique courses in 2021 and 2022. Cheryl also attended the Foundational HelioSol Technique with Application to Animals in February of 2021. Cheryl is currently an active practitioner and member of the HelioSol System.
The HelioSol System uses the theoretical principles of quantum physics and the
philosophies from ancient healing modalities to provide a forum for healing and
manifestation. It focuses on identifying the causes of dis-ease and providing the
body/mind with the capacity to heal itself. Cheryl uses the HelioSol System as a stand-
alone modality for her clients or as an addition with other modalities. Cheryl has
personally and professionally witnessed “miracles” while using the HelioSol System. It
truly is the bridge to help individuals in getting to where they want to be in their health,
wellbeing and their ability to manifest what they desire.